Professional horse trainers are an interesting lot whose very livelihood rests on their capability to rear and train racehorses.
The measure of this capability is simple – winning! Our task was to draw attention to the role A.W. Jenkinson's product plays in achieving that success.
Like professional athletics coaches, horse trainers adamantly believe it takes a complex and finely-tuned regimen to rear a real winner.
If upset in any way, it could mean the difference between 1st and 2nd place. In this world there is absolutely no room for compromise.
Our solution was to show that we understood this, and what was truly needed to guarantee success. Only then could we justifiably establish A.W. Jenkinson’s authority on the matter, and demonstrate the role its products play in breeding winners.
It also just so happened that in the year this campaign ran, the trainer responsible for the then Grand National champion had been using A.W. Jenkinson’s bedding (Lucinda Russell and ‘One for Arthur’).
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